Papers about TinyML in Zotero

Hi! I created an open group on Zotero for papers on TinyML. You can join the group here:



@cbanbury you might have a wealth of resources to share to Zotero!

Speech commands, MCUNets, MicroNets, Visual wake words, …

Maybe we should create a research category :slight_smile:

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This is great! I’ll definitely make sure to link this once we start putting together the repository of teaching materials to help people make their own TinyML courses (after Course 3 launches)!

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Here everyone,
For the past few days, I have been compiling some TinyML resources(papers, projects, articles and talks) with the hopes of making them easily accessible for everyone. You can check it out:


This is so wild! I was totally thinking of reaching out to you @gigwegbe today/tomorrow as I ran into your page just a few days ago, but I forgot your GitHub id! So I was wondering how am I supposed to find this person that has this great resource to share with the community :slight_smile:

Great to have you here, and thanks so much for putting together that great resource.

Do you think we could create a topic in the Education category and post a topic on “TinyML Paper and Projects” so that we can all add to your repo? Might just be easier to find. Up to you, just a thought.

Thanks again for joining us here and sharing your effort!


Wow, that’s a great resource, @gigwegbe !

@vjreddi what about a Research category? Given the number of papers in gigwegbe list, there is a lot to discuss!

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Yes, sir! Done. I created a Research category.


How do you keep this list up to date?! Just curious :slight_smile:

Sure, I will create a topic in the Education category where other people can contribute too. I’m excited to help the community in my little way. Thanks for making TinyML Discuss community open to everyone.


What a fantastic resource! Thank you very much for sharing this @gigwegbe

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