Hi everybody,
I am glad to share you the second video of MakeIT my YouTube channel.
Today we go deeper into tiny machine learning, the aim of this video is to forecast weather with 3 parameters as input.
In this video we talk about several topics such as :
- Setting up the Kaggle API
- Downloading datasets from kaggle
- Data prep (cleaning, processing…)
- Building neural network and train it
- Deploying a machine learning model on nano33 BLE
The neural network creating and data downloading is done using Python, Tensorflow and Google colaboratory. Then we deploy the model on Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense using Visual Studio code and PlatformIO.
Vijay Janapa Reddi’s TinyML courses from edX really helped me understanding the key of TinyML and what are the challenges of this fields. It is an awesome program with 3 courses I have attended ! I really encourage you to follow it !
Video here
And if you have never done any TinyML project I really encourage you to see my first video about deploying the simplest neural network on Nano33, this is a good way to start.
Next tutorial will be : “How to build your own datasets with Datasets Builder (my homemade software) ?” So stay tunned !