TinyML4D: TinyML for Developing Countries

Hi @vjreddi, thanks a lot! Your support is much appreciated. Having the slides and docs available for consultancy and support for our course is very important! We do not need the videos because I will present the classes in real-time. For this first edition, we will probably not have kits for all students. We are analyzing the best approach based on available laboratory components (that should be sent to students’ homes, which is complicated). In the worst-case scenery, we can use smartphones for data capture and model testing. Also, some experiences can be done with more affordable MCUs (in Brazil) like the new Raspberry Pico. Here my first experiences with the Pico and TinyML:

But I will discusses your suggestion with the university, about the possibility of some future sponsorship to reduce costs (maybe for a future course, that I hope will follow this first version).

Thanks a lot! I will keep you and @brian_plancher updated.
Marcelo Rovai

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Hi @mjrovai, I wanted to mention that as part of the tinyML Foundation outreach effort we are starting up some education outreach activities to help academics/teachers/leaners. So as a heads-up please keep edu@tinyml.org at hand.

Yea, I agree that we could definitely go with the RasPico. The below system also looks great, I don’t know how much it costs. Do you happen to know?

By the way, we are also working on completely taking the hardware out of the requirement and using simulated hardware setup to help students without hardware learn the same concepts. It isn’t the same effect obviously, but still pretty neat as then things can be taught completely in the Colabs. Stay tuned for that!

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Hi @vjreddi ,

UCTRONICS has the above board listed at $49.99, however its only available on pre-orders for now.

It looks like a good product, the addition of the on-board display opens up more possibilities.

Thanks. @vjreddi , I definitely will keep the tinyML foundation at hand (I usually follow their weekly webinars). Regarding the Pico4ML, it will cost the same as the HarvardX kit (49.00). I personally prefer the HarvardX kit; once the Pico4ML has fewer sensors than the Nano BLE Sense, except for the OLED, that is very cheap. Anyway, with the RaspPico makes more sense to build a kit from scratch., the final price should be less than those $49.00.

Great news about the simulator. Yesterday I read about Antimicro having a king of simulator deployed on Arduino IDE ( I did not try it yet): Antmicro · Renode-based CI for TensorFlow Lite MCU

Thanks a lot.

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Curious why its so costly, I thought it would be way cheaper since it has limited number of sensors. Maybe it is the display that’s adding to the cost. I’d think it would be cheaper than that.

Yeap! You nailed it. We are working with the Renode folks and we will be testing some things out :slight_smile:

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I believe that the RPi-Pico can really help TinyML4D - TinyML4Pico :wink:

Estimated cost:

  • RPi-Pico $ 4.00
  • Electret Microphone Amplifier - MAX4466 - $ 7.00
  • IMU - Cost can go from $3.00 (3-axis) to $16.00 (9-Axis) - Around 9.00 is possible to find good 6-axis
  • Camera - OV7670: $5.00 (Pete’s example uses a more expensive OV2640 - 2Mpx: $25.00)
  • OLED Display (optional): around $4.00
  • Miscellaneous (Breadboard/Wires/Push-button): $ 5.00

TOTAL: Around $30-$35


Port of the RP2040 (Raspberry Pi Pico processor) to the Arduino ecosystem.
We received a very good news today. Earle F. Philhower, III, published a non oficial Raspberry Pi Pico Arduino core, for all RP2040 boards! I tried it and works!

Andreas Spies published in his channel a quick video with a benchmark.


Yes @vjreddi ! How can we organize it? A Zoom call with limited number of people? Should we come up with an agenda? It would be great to have @mjrovai onboard with many interesting projects/ideas.

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Hi @marcozennaro,

+1 Zoom call with a limited set of people. It would be great to have @mjrovai and @brian_plancher as well. I’ve created a spreadsheet, so interested people who are following this thread can sign-up here:

What do folks think about doing an AMA around TinyML4D? Something like what we did here:

Do you think that would be helpful?

It might bring like minded people together and help us identify other people who are passionate about this sort of an activity. Even if we do the AMA, I still like your idea that we should have an agenda.

Open to everyone’s thoughts / suggestions / ideas…


I’m pretty interested on that even considering myself a beginner in TinyML world.
One thing that calls my attention is initiatives to spread knowledge.


I think that an AMA around TinyML4D is a great idea. I participated in the 18th of March event, and it was awesome! :wink:

@vjreddi @marcozennaro and @brian_plancher, I just published on my GitHub, the preliminary information about the first TinyML4D course in Brazil: (UNIFEI-IESTI01-T01-2021.1 - Course Repository - TinyML - Machine Learning for Embedding Devices). I am very pleased to inform you, that I got the “green light” from University, and I already started working in preparation for the course. I and my colleagues (the university professors, Dr. Maurilio Pereira and José Alberto Ferreira), will be leading the initiative. This 2021.1 version will be in Portuguese, “live and in real-time”. The material (all in English) will be posted for the students during the course (in principle, I will publish some reading material previous to classes, only posting the slides/notebooks after each one of them). Here you can know a little about our University UNIFEI.


:pray: Awesome! Love it.

Please feel free to use any resources that Brian shared previously, and don’t hesitate to ask if we have anything else to share with you all. We are happy to help make all our resources available so that we can all lower our burden for content creation and instead focus on creating new material to keep pushing the pace forward.


Thanks for your kind words. Please let us know how we improve. Hoping in our future ones we can get to more questions; in the first AMA I really wanted to give the team some visibility – as they put in some serious effort and deserve the credit.


Interested on helping spread the word about TinyML by translating course materials to Spanish.


Awesome! I see that you are already signed-up for the WG, thanks! Stay tuned and keep in touch.

We do have someone from Baylor University trying to do the same with our materials. Will bring this up when we all get together.

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Thanks Vijay, it is great to hear that there are more people wanting to spread the word in my native language, so it can be a team effort as there is a good amount of material! I will stay tuned!

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So exciting! As VJ said let us know if we can help! :slight_smile:


Thanks @brian_plancher. This first course will be challenge, but will be a great experience! Today I had a meeting with the head of University’s IESTI (Institute of Systems Engineering and Information Technology), about possible future investments as TinyML KITs, that we hope to have available for futures course editions. You could list at TyniML4D, this Repo as a Portuguese example of what we will do! :wink:

Working on it should be up in a day or two :slight_smile:

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