The TinyML4D Academic Network 11th Show and Tell will be Thursday Mar 28th, 2024
The Eleventh TinyML4D Academic Network Show and Tell.
The Show and Tell is typically held at 2pm GMT possibly 1pm on the last Thursday of each month.
For this Thursday session at 1pm GMT we will use Google meet URl
Full video here when ready
Presenters are: (The order sometimes changes based on technical issues)
James Okorie and Millicent Dickson University of Cape Coast Ghana Machine Learning and finite State Machine coupled with Bio-mimics of photonic band gaps in nature confirmed
Abdul Moshen, Abdul Aziz, Saleh Jaber, Abdul Rahman and Ramasamy, King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia, Enhancing poultry health management through Tiny machine learning-based analysis of bird sounds In a breeding scenario, poultry (such as chickens) may exhibit various sounds and vocalizations that can serve different purposes and may vary depending on the specific situation. The vocalizations of poultry birds in a flock can provide valuable insights into their well-being and overall health. By using the combination of spectrograms and oscillograms assisted by Edge impulse platform and low power edge devices proves to be game changer in enhancing our ability to assess the well-being of poultry, optimize management practices, and contribute to the welfare and productivity of these birds in agricultural settings and ensuring food sustainability. 10 minutes confirmed
Possible backup: Thommas Kevin Sales Flores Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte Brazil.
Advancing TinyMLOps: Robust Model Updates in the Internet of Intelligent Vehicles The rising significance of the Internet of Intelligent Vehicles has propelled embedded machine learning into the spotlight, thanks to emerging development paradigms. Our groundbreaking study introduces a novel approach to TinyMLOps tailored specifically for the Internet of Intelligent Vehicles. confirmed -
Possible Backup: Morsinaldo de Azevedo Medeiros Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte Brazil. A Multi-Layered Methodology for Driver Behavior Analysis Using TinyML and Edge Computing confirmed
We try to have a backup who then presents for the next Show and Tell if there isn’t enough time this month.
If you are presenting on this date and wish to send links to more information or just to introduce yourself or confirm your attendance, please comment on this thread.
There is also a Discord link with a Show and Tell Channel for presenter discussions as well at
The Main Show and Tell Index is here