Revised Jupyter Notebook for Course 3, Section 1.5, TinyML Custom Keyword Spotting (KWS)

Hello fellow TinyMLers,

Although the vast majority of the notebooks ran without issue, the Keyword Spotting Notebooks in Courses 2 & 3 of the TinyML Certificate program did not run. From what I can see, my fellow students had the same issues. I was revised the code and now can train and deploy a custom KWS exercise in Section 1.5 of the “Deploying TinyML”.

I have just finished putting together a repo on GitHub with a readme discussion and two jupyter notebooks, one to be run on Google Colab and one to be run on a local install of Anaconda.

I am requesting that the community review the work. I was able to run the notebooks and deploy the code onto the TinyML kit h/w. Please keep in mind that I have a background in h/w and not s/w engineering. I have been learning Python for a little while and this is the first time I have posted work of this level on GitHub. I am sure that there is room for improvement and would value your thoughts and suggestions.

The repo is at:


Thanks John! We’re actively trying to hire some software developers to fix / update the Colabs and so I’ll make sure to pass this along to them as well!

Hello Brian,

Thanks for the reply, and you’re welcome.

Take care,