The TinyML4D Academic Network 4th Show and Tell will be February 23rd, 2023

The TinyML4D Academic Network 4th Show and Tell will be February 23rd, 2023

The forth TinyML4D Academic Network Show and Tell.

The Show and Tell is typically held at 2pm UTC on the last Thursday of each month.

Full video here

Presenters are:

  1. Hellen Cristina Ancelmo, Instituto Carlos Chagas (ICC - Fiocruz PR) / Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), Brazil, Application of artificial intelligence techniques in Point-of-care medical equipment, 10 minutes, Video here at 2:02

  2. Gohel Amit Chandrakantbhai, Gujarat Technological University, India, Weep Scope “Weep Scope” project involves creating a machine learning model to identify and recognize the unique cries of infants, 5 minutes, Video here at 15:49

  3. James Adeola, Université d’Abomey Calavi, Benin, Crops diseases detection with TinyMl, 10 minutes, Video here at 21:21

  4. Muhammad Suzaki Zahran, Universitas Raharja, Indonesia, Implementation of Deep Learning on a Chick Counter,15 minutes, Video here at 35:28

  5. Dr. Bala Murugan MS, Vellore Institute of Technology, chennai India, Identification of cashewnut diseases using tinyML 10 minutes Video here at 45:56

If you are presenting on this date and wish to send links to more information or just to introduce yourself or confirm your attendance, please comment on this thread. We are trying to move more of the discussion offline to allow more presenters time to present.

There is also a Discord link with a Show and Tell Channel for presenter discussions as well at

Try this discord


Main Show and Tell Index here